Thursday, May 26, 2016

Open Auditions for Virginia Rep's 2016-17 Season

Casting Call – Adults
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Please note: Children’s roles in the upcoming season are listed below, but information about auditions for ages 17 and under will be released at a later date.
Please direct all questions to

(You can download this announcement as a pdf here.)

Open call auditions for actors 18+ will be held on Saturday, May 28 from 10:00 a.m. to ­ 5:00 p.m.

Auditions are by appointment only and will be held at Virginia Rep’s November Theatre, 114 W Broad St., Richmond, VA 23220.

Please e­mail to request an appointment.

Prepare either:

a brief song (not to exceed 2 minutes; please bring sheet music in your key; an accompanist will be provided), OR
a brief monologue (not to exceed 2 minutes), OR
16 bars of a song and a brief monologue.

**All actors please bring a resume and headshot stapled together. *

All performers will be paid. Union and Non­union.


Signature Season

1776 (MUSICAL)

Director: Debra Clinton

Venue: The November Theatre First Rehearsal: August 29, 2016

Run: October 28 ­ November 23, 2016

Character Breakdown:


JOHN ADAMS (Fortyish): A not tall, fiery, very articulate, proud, passionate man. He is a New England Puritan coupled with a passion for ideas and an incredibly strong love for his wife, Abigail. Charismatic in a hard working way; he’s always there. An opposition’s nightmare. Good sense of humor. Baritone, C to F#.

**This role is cast. Seeking cover only.

THOMAS JEFFERSON (Thirtyish): Tall­ must be at least 6’2”. The “American Sphinx” transformed into the quiet but intellectually forceful romantic lead. Sexy in a languid way. Good sense of humor. Vocal Range: Baritone, C to G.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (60-­70) Intelligent, incorrigible, and pleasantly cunning. A jolly and admirable fellow with whom anyone would desire friendship. Vocal Range: Ab to Eb.

RICHARD HENRY LEE (30­-45): Tall, masculine and full of himself. Most move well and have plenty of energy. Has big comic character number. Vocal Range: High Baritone, Bb to G (or Ab).

JOHN DICKINSON (mid ­40’s): Leader of the conservative opposition to Adams. Sharp­tongued and formidable. Vocal Range: A to E.

EDWARD RUTLEDGE (late 20’s) South Carolina aristocracy. Oozes confidence and cynicism, almost serpentine. Vocal Range: C to A.

ROGER SHERMAN (45-­55): A simple cobbler from Eastern Connecticut. Tenor, C to Bb.

COL. THOMAS MCKEAN (40-­60): A rough­hewned Scott (with brogue) who’s seen many battles. Loud and Funny. Vocal Range: Bass Baritone, low C to Eb.

SAMUEL CHASE (35-­50): Large, rotund gentlemen with an insatiable appetite. Has a lot of both grace and sweat. Vocal Range: Tenor, up to Ab.

ROBERT LIVINGSTON (30­-45): A gracious diplomat. Droll. Is on the Declaration writing committee. Vocal Range: Tenor, Bb to F.

STEPHEN HOPKINS (60-­70): Second oldest member of Congress, starts the day with a strong drink. Vocal Range: C to Eb.

ANDREW MCNAIR (40-­60): The Congressional custodian. Earthy, plain­speaking with a wry sense of humor. Vocal Range: Light Baritone, low Bb to Db (just above middle C).

COURIER (18­-22): The bedraggled message runner between General George Washington and the Continental Congress. Has seen a lot of war for his young age. Vocal Range: C to Db.


ABIGAIL ADAMS (35-­40): Sensible, loving, smart mate to JOHN ADAMS and who is his equal in all things. Has tremendous devotion to John while also being his alter­ego to balance out his fiery nature. Mezzo­Soprano, Db to F.

MARTHA JEFFERSON (20-­30): Like air she floats into the play and dazzles JEFFERSON, ADAMS, and FRANKLIN with her beauty and joy. Must dance well. High Belt in mix, Bb to D.


Director: Chase Kniffen

Venue: The November Theatre First Rehearsal: October 24, 2016

Run: November 23 -­ January 1, 2017

Character Breakdown:

**Seeking adult actors ONLY. Children’s auditions will be held at a later date.

JEAN SHEPARD/ NARRATOR: (50­-65) the narrator (Ralphie is him as a boy), plays several roles in and out of the story as well. Midwestern, charming, warm, excellent story teller. And again, warm.

Not a singing role.

MOTHER (20-­40): pretty, warm, funny, wonderful expressive singer, contemporary mid­range mix­ belt, with some soprano. Must be a truly great actress as well as a great singer. Subtle real, genuine and truthful sense of humor.

THE OLD MAN (30-­45): genius comic actor who sings. Uptight, fuss­budget, flawed. Humorously “terrifying” dad with a heart somewhere. Range is high baritone.

MISS SHIELDS (30-­55): school teacher. Not a stick­in­the­mud, she’s sassy. Funny musical comedy belter who taps.

ADULT ENSEMBLE (18+) seeking interesting, off­beat, singer/dancer/actors with bright contemporary voices to play a multitude of roles and some to play featured roles and some to cover the principals.

RALPHIE (10-­13): A regular boy, appealing, but not necessarily a handsome boy, can have some extra weight on him, strong presence, honest actor, not “show­bizzy,” experienced on stage and a great strong singing voice, high belter voice must be unchanged; must be a clear singer with a great range, low f# to high D, tap dancing a plus, will be casting an alternate as well.

**This role is cast. Seeking cover only.

RANDY (9-­11): Cute and funny little boy, funny in the sense that he is awkward and off­beat, must be physically comfortable onstage and have a lot of strong concentration, but, like Ralphie, not show­bizzy; voice is unchanged and hight belter low F# to high C#, must be able to tap dance

SCUT FARKUS (11­-13) : taller than the other kids, the bully, must be able to tap.

FLICK (10-­13): he will sing a song with his tongue “stuck” to a flagpole, must be funny and natural, strong singer; voice should be Belter (unchanged voice) low B to high C#, must be able to tap,

CHILDREN’S ENSEMBLE (9­-13): Boys and girls to play supporting roles and children’s ensemble; must be able to tap


Director: Laine Satterfield Venue: The November Theatre First Rehearsal: January 2, 2017

Runs: January 25 ­ February 12, 2017

Character Breakdown:

KRISTA: Female, 30­-39: A stripper on Bourbon Street. A gentle soul that turns rabid when she feels like she is being threatened or when she gets too close to someone. Always looking for people to take care of her, then pushes them away once they do. Grew up in a small town in North Mississippi. Ethnicity: Caucasian

BAIT BOY: Male, 30-­39: In his past he has been a bartender, a bouncer, a barker outside strip joints, a karaoke wrangler, a waiter, and a street musician (keyboard), all in the Quarter. Long romantic history with Krista. Currently living the straight life in Atlanta with an older woman. Has worked hard these past few years to pass as an educated suburban guy. Ethnicity: Caucasian

ZOE: Female, 16: Bait Boy’s step­daughter. She’s a junior at the magnet high school in Atlanta Honors track. Learns fast, too fast her book smarts run ahead of her emotional maturity. She does not realize how little she has lived. Ethnicity: Caucasian

WAYNE: Male, 50-­59: Manager of the Hummingbird Hotel he lives in a small apartment above the front office. Of old school, working class, Irish­German­NOLA descent. Potbelly. The sweetest man on Airline Highway, too sweet, actually. Way too happy to just be hanging out with interesting people, which is why he has not become anything other than the hotel manager. Divorced some time ago. No kids.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

FRANCIS: Male, 30+: The mind / creativity / energy of a 30 year old, but the grizzly beard, worn face and watery eyes of a much older lifelong (happy) social drinker. A true poet, child of the beats, with deep roots in the New Orleans poetry scene. A man about town, at all the right parties, a little too old for certain scenes, but he’s always there, always on the move, always taking it all in.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

TANYA: Female, 62: An old school hooker, been in and out of business for many ears, sometimes bartending, a bit of exotic dancing in the early days, not working at all for the one year 10 years ago when she was married to the rich banker from California. Now back at The Hummingbird, servicing quite a few regular, mature clients. She can handle alcohol but she can turn into a crazy person when it comes to pain pills. Ethnicity: Caucasian

TERRY: Male, 45-­55: Originally from the country, but he has been in NoLa for quite some time. A handyman with the bad habit of ingratiating himself to people with money in order to get work from them. And then really wanting to impress them. And then getting overwhelmed and failing to do the job well and then running. He cycles back to the Hummingbird every couple of months. Ethnicity: African American

SISSY NA NA: Female, 40-­49: African­American/Puerto Rican descent, trans bartender and karaoke wrangler on Bourbon Street, no operations or hormones, she is just dressed to reflect who she is, has no patience for fooling around, she gets the job done, seduced by the potential of a joyful moment, of people having fun and letting their guard down, though not without her demons, may be the most functional of all these lovable fools. Ethnicity: African American, Hispanic

MISS RUBY: Female, 85: Dying, infamous Bourbon Street burlesque performer, had a club on Bourbon Street for year. The mama of Bourbon Street. At her core a brilliant business person/showperson, and also a woman ahead of her time when it comes to thinking about women’s bodies, sex, and objectification. She is the Belle of Bourbon Street, destined to be loved by a few and then forgotten.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities


Director: Nathaniel Shaw

Venue: The November Theatre

First Rehearsal: February 13, 2017

Runs: March 8 ­- 26, 2017

Character Breakdown:

LOTTIE, a young Berlin woman, a cellist, 24 FREYA, Lottie’s mother, 47

ILYA, a Russian soldier, 30 KONSTA, a Russian soldier, 35 JULIUS, a Jewish plumber, 40­50

GERHARDT, conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, 60


Director: Nathaniel Shaw Venue: The November Theatre First Rehearsal: May 22, 2017

Runs: June 22 -­ July 30, 2017

Character Breakdown:

USNAVI: Male, 20­-30 hip­hop narrator, young, energetic bodega owner who dreams of making enough to go back home to the Dominican Republic, puts a brave face on his genuine financial trouble; great actor who is able to rap well.

NINA: Female, 18­-25; intelligent, book­smart, starry­eyed, naïve; ready to conquer the world, but still trying to find her way; great high belt voice with strong mix.

VANESSA: Female, 18­-25: great sense of humor, lively, vivacious personality, bright, can be moody, easily frustrated; buries a lot of stress, great high belt voice.

BENNY: Male, 20-­29: taxi stand employee/aspiring businessman, looking to rise from his station in life, at home on any street in NY, funny and full of personality; great singer with a feel for pop/hip­hop style.

SONNY: Male, 13-­19: to play mid­late teens, completely streetwise, part political genius, part goofball, wants to play video games, makes everyone laugh; you just want to pinch his cheek; good singer, tenor.

KEVIN: Male, 38-­59: upstanding businessman; total wheeler­dealer in the most personable kind of way, a lion slowed down by time and injury and over­working, traditional in his beliefs, very hardworking and proud; wants desperately to remain the leader of his family. Must sing well.

CAMILLA: Female, 40-­49: strong, beautiful, wise, helps everyone, asks for nothing and loves being active in the community, traditionalist; good singer.

ABUELA CLAUDIA: Female, 60-­79: ancient, beautiful, proud, tired, from another era, emigrated with her parents, working­class, scrubbed floors all her life. In the twilight of her life; must have a great belt voice.

DANIELA: Female, 30-­39: salon owner, straight­ahead businesswoman, gossip queen, funny; great belt voice.

CARLA: Female, 20-­29: loves to dance and get her hair done, sweet and likable, good sense of comedy; good singer; must be comfortable with some dance.

GRAFITTI PETE: Male, 13-­25: streetwise, excellent hip­hop dancer; break­dancing skills preferred.

PIRAGUA: Male, 30­-39: sells shaved ice in the neighborhood, good sense of humor, great sense of pride; tenor.

ENSEMBLE: Males & Females, 20­-29: constantly participating in the community; looking for real individuals on stage; must be able to dance

Hanover Season


Venue: Hanover Tavern

First Rehearsal: January 30, 2016

Run: February 24 -­ March 26, 2017

Character Breakdown:

Senga Quinn: Female, 20-­39; Broadway dancer.

Ever Montgomery: Male, 35-­39; professor of Geosciences, suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome.


Venue: Hanover Tavern

First Rehearsal: June 19, 2017

Run: July 14 ­- August 20, 2017

Character Breakdown:

Charlie Now: Male, 45­-49; a successful writer. Brittle, prickly. Sarcasm is often used as a shield as he relives the humiliations of growing up as an adopted child.

Oliver: Male, 40-­49; Charlie’s boyhood friend. Also plays himself as a young man in his 20s. Solicitous and slightly puritanical.

Da: Male, 40-­79; Charlie’s recently deceased adoptive father by times charming, servile, stubborn, thick, hilarious, a constant embarrassment to his son.

Mother: Female, 40-­60; Charlie’s long­deceased adoptive mother. A martyr to Charlie’s adoption. Religious and rigid loves Charlie in her way.

Charlie Then: Male, 19­31; Charlie as a boy and as a young man. Rebellious, intelligent teen.

Drumm: Male, 40-­70; Charlie’s employer and attempted mentor. Caustic, acerbic, does not suffer fools gladly.

The Yellow Peril: Female, 25­-30; a young lady of loose morals. Dublin working class Mrs. Prynne: Female, 50-­59; Da’s old employer. Refined. A woman of quality.

Children’s Season


Venue: Willow Lawn

First Rehearsal: September 12, 2016

Run: October 5 ­- November 20, 2016

Character Breakdown:

Junie B. Jones: Female to play 6, first grader extraordinaire, verve and quirk, must have comedic, improvisational flair, and lots of energy, wildly precocious, yet completely endearing. Belter with soprano mix, to F, 1 1/2 octaves above middle C.

Mr. Scary: Male, 18+; to play adult male roles, Junie’s First Grade teacher, a warm man and Gladys Gutzman the queen of snacks, the kids’ favorite lunch lady, also plays Junie’s Dad. Note: Bari­tenor.

Junie’s Mom: Female, 18+; play multiple roles including Junie’s Mom, exasperated yet understanding, also plays May, Junie’s nemesis, know it all, and Grace. Note: Brassy soprano with belt.

Lucille: Female, 18+; the ultimate in child diva, rich girl, also plays Jose a Spanish male in Junie’s class, and Bobbi Jean Piper. Brassy soprano belter.

Herb: Male, 18+; Junie’s new best friend, cute boy, slightly shy, also plays Chenille who, along with her twin, is Lucille’s new best friend, a follower. Note: Must be endearing and charming and tenor.

Sheldon: Male, 18+; Junie’s classmate, a lactose intolerant nerd, also plays Camille who along with her twin is Lucille’s new best friends, a follower and Lennie, another classmate. Note: Non­Caucasian actors are strongly encouraged to submit, tenor/ bari­tenor.


Venue: Willow Lawn

First Rehearsal: January 9, 2017

Run: February 3 ­- 26, 2017

Character Breakdown:

Jones Morgan: African American Male, 40+; warm and wise Buffalo Soldier Kelvin: African American Male, 20­30; eager and excitable young boy

Actor 3: African American Male; 25-­40 to play a Buffalo Soldier and other characters

Actor 4: Caucasian Male, 25­-40; to play Teddy Roosevelt and School Principal, comedic skills are a plus

Actor 5: African American Male; 20-­30 to play various characters


Venue: The November Theatre First Rehearsal: March 20, 2017

Run: April 21 ­- May 14, 2017

Character Breakdown:

Belle: Female, 20-­29; plays 18, classically beautiful face, her eyes shine with intelligence, seems entirely unaware of her looks, strong­willed, adventurous, and noble, a true heroine, sensitive and smart, should move very well, vocal range: lyrical pop theatre voice to an E with a very strong and clear belt.

Beast: Male, 25-­39; a tortured soul trapped in the body of the Beast, angry, volatile, and hopeless, when he meets Belle, she awakens his warm, loving human side and is able to overcome his bestial nature to break the spell, should be handsome and well­built, vocal range: baritone to an F.

Maurice: Male, 45-­59; Belle’s father, eccentric inventor, comic, warm, sincere, and immensely loveable, devoted to his daughter, short and stout is good, not obese, vocal range: character voice to a D.

Gaston: Male, 20­-39; very handsome muscular build, sexy with a larger­than­life chiseled face, actor must be a strong comedic farceur capable of playing a larger­than­life style, rude, self­centered bully, egomanical, narcissistic, should move very well, vocal range: big Broadway baritone with a solid F.

Le Fou: Male, 20-­39; Gaston’s adoring hanger­on buddy, a true fall guy, buffoon, must be able to handle physical comedy and move well, seeking an accomplished stage comedian/stage clown, must be able to sing and be able to do a character voice, vocal range: to a G.

Mrs. Potts: Female, 40-­59; plump sweet­faced English teapot, kind­hearted maternal cook, sings the title song, vocal range: lyrical alto down to a low F sharp with a convincing English accent.

Lumiere: Male, 30­-45; a candelabra, very charming, very suave, very French, maitre D’ who fancies himself as a ladies’ man, passionate, prone to dramatic displays of emotion, the Beast’s coach in the love department, must have a credible French accent, must move well, vocal range: baritone to a G.

Cogsworth: Male, 30­-49; manic, officious English major domo, someone wound him up way too tight and he has never wound down, slightly snooty Brit, with a heart of gold, English accent required, vocal range: character voice­­baritone, not much singing.

Babette: Female, 20-­35; beautiful feather duster, continually teases Lumiere, must dance, not too bright, voluptuous, tall with a show­girl body, French accent required, vocal range: Broadway belt with a legit soprano.

Wardrobe: Female, 40­-55; warm, friendly, comedic, vain old girl, very theatrical, had pretensions to an operatic career, should have an ample build, but not obese, loud laugh, the life of the party, vocal range: legit operatic mezzo to G or B flat.

Chip: Male, 8-­10; pre-­adolescent boy, to play an adorable, inquisitive, eight-­year­-old teacup, must sing.

Ensemble: Males & Females, 18+; strong dancer/singers or singer/dancers with strong ballet and jazz technique. Most need to be able to understudy principle roles. Tumblers always needed.


Venue: Willow Lawn

First Rehearsal: June 12, 2017

Run: Jul 7 ­- 30, 2017

**Play in development; breakdown TBD
Please direct all questions to