Monday, December 29, 2014

Fauquier Community Theatre / Auditions Captains Courageous, HONK, Twelfth Night Auditions

"Captains Courageous" Audition Dates

Friday, Jan 9 from 7 - 10 PM
Saturday, Jan 10 from 2 - 5 PM
Callbacks: Sunday, Jan 11 from 2 - 4 PM

Audition Location

Friday and Saturday Auditions at Hope Christian Fellowship, 4173 Bludau Drive, Warrenton (around the corner of the theatre)

Sunday Callbacks by invitation only at The Fauquier Community Theatre

For Questions
Contact the Director, Peter Fakoury at

Performance Dates
March 27, 28, 29, April 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12

More Details on FCT's website

The Characters
Harvey Cheyne, Jr. - the protagonist in this story. He is a 15-year old spoiled rich brat. When he falls from an ocean liner into the ocean and is picked up by the crusty crew of the "We're Here" fishing schooner, he's in for the learning experience of his life.

Dan Troop- The captain's son, a boy about Harvey's age. He is the polar opposite of Harvey. He is innocent to the ways of the world, gullible, but good-hearted. He teaches Harvey a lot about how to be a fisherman, and to earn the captain's respect. They become good friends during the course of the story.

Disko Troop- the wise captain of the "We're Here" fishing schooner. He becomes a surrogate father to Harvey while he is aboard the schooner, teaching him much about life and manhood.

Harvey Cheyne, Sr.- Harvey's father, a billionaire with so many business dealings that he has neglected the fathering of his son. The loss of his boy at sea, and their eventual reunion, gives him a second chance at parenthood and a different look at what really matters in life.

Constance Cheyne- Harvey's mother. She dotes on him continually, giving in to all his desires. Consequently, she never dispenses discipline on her son. Partly because of her love for him, he becomes a spoiled brat.

Manuel- A Portuguese fisherman and member of the crew of the "We're Here." It is he who rescues Harvey from the ocean and teaches him many lessons aboard the schooner. He has a huge heart, and an eye for the ladies.

Long Jack- An Irishman sailor and fisherman who is full of nautical superstitions.

Tom Platt- an old ex-navy man who continually recounts his days aboard his naval ship. An Irishman and lifelong fisherman, he literally has salt water in his blood.

Salters Troop- Disko's brother. He is really a farmer, and gets teased about it all the time. But for now, he is a member of his brothers fishing crew, a job he detests, but will rough it through while he dreams of farming. He has adopted Pennsylvania Pratt, another member of the crew, and the two are inseparable.

Penn- Pennsylvania Pratt is a meek, almost mentally disturbed member of the crew. He had once been a church pastor, but when he witnessed his wife and daughters drown at the Johnstown, PA disaster, he turns inward to deal with his grief. Not a fisherman at all, he is prodded along by his friend, Salters, until a disaster at sea reveals his true strength.

Mary Troop -Disko's wife and Dan's mother. She prays for their safe return, and is always conscious of how many Gloucester fishermen never come home from the sea. She and her fellow wives of the town deal with life alone while their husbands make a living in one of the world's most dangerous occupations.

Lottie- Another Gloucester wife, and Mary's best friend.

Gloucester Wives 1-6- other women left behind to cope while their husbands are at sea. They make up the chorus on the home front.

Doubled Parts (these roles are covered by the members of the company)

Mrs. Lawton- A passenger aboard the ocean liner. Somewhat sympathetic to Harvey.

Mrs. Nelson- Another passenger on the liner. A bit less sympathetic to Harvey.

Mr. Martin- A passenger aboard the ocean liner who has had a bad experience with Harvey, and rants about what he'd like to do the young man.

German- A passenger on the liner who swings his fist a lot at Harvey, and wishes he had a "rope's end" with which to swat the bratty boy.

Mr. MacDonald- The ocean's liner's chief engineer.

Captain Sullivan- The captain of the Atlantic Star ocean liner.

Jason Olley- The captain of another Gloucester schooner whose ship is hit by an ocean liner. He loses the ship and most of his crew, but his son is miraculously saved from drowning.

Mark Levinison- Harvey Cheyne, Senior's attorney.

Mrs. Atkins- Levinson's assistant.

Randolph Snelling- Harvey Cheyne, Senior's business rival. A nasty and spiteful character who will resort to anything to bring down Cheyne.

Albert Phipps- Snelling's attorney.

Nurse- Cares for Mrs. Cheyne in her depression after Harvey's loss at sea.

"Honk!" the Musical Audition Dates:

Monday, January 26 at 7:00 pm
Tuesday, January 27 at 7:00 pm

Audition Location:

Hope Christian Fellowship (4173 Bludau Drive, Warrenton - one block from the theater in Vint Hill)

Be Prepared:

Please arrive early enough to sign in and be ready to go at 7:00 PM; important information and instructions for the audition will be shared at the beginning. You will need to attend either the Monday or Tuesday evening event, though you will need to be present for the entire audition that night. There will not be callback auditions for this show. Bring a "headshot" photo and the completed Audition Form. Also be prepared to provide your complete availability for rehearsals should you be cast. Be prepared to sing a brief selection from a Broadway musical other than Honk! (i.e., a verse and a chorus). You will be asked to sing a Capella. Select a song that demonstrates your vocal range and characterization ability. Keep in mind that the songs in Honk! vary from deeply emotional ballads to show-stopping comedic numbers. You may be called upon to participate in improvisational interaction to demonstrate stage presence and comedic timing.

Go to FCT's website to print the audition form and calendar.

About Honk!

Since it first hatched in 1993 Stiles & Drewe's musical Honk! has delighted audiences in thousands of productions worldwide. Winner of multiple awards, including the 2000 Olivier Award for Best Musical (beating out The Lion King and Mamma Mia!), this heartwarming celebration of being different is a quackingly good time filled with both tender moments, uproarious comedy, and unexpected surprises.

The story of Honk! is a retelling of the classic fable of the Ugly Duckling. The actors all represent various animals - ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, cats, etc. However, the cast is not dressed in animal costumes; instead, their role in the story, along with their mannerisms and a few suggestive visual cues, bridges between the events in the animals' lives and the experiences of real people every day. Audiences find themselves connecting with the powerful emotions of the tale as they laugh, cry, and consider the immeasurable value of every unique individual.


Honk! offers a great stage opportunity for a large cast of all ages. In addition to creative ensemble roles that transition from barnyard creatures to underwater ballerinas to high-stepping bullfrogs and more, there are some terrific featured role.

UGLY - Our story's youthful protagonist. Gawky and odd-looking, he is shunned for his odd appearance. Possesses a heart of gold. Male, 16-25 yrs old. Range: Bb2 - G#4

IDA - Ugly's loving mother and the only person who is supportive of the outcast child. Female, 30-50 yrs old. Range: F3 - F55..

DRAKE - Ugly's father who detests his son. Male, 30-50 yrs old. Range: A2 - G4

CAT - Our story's antagonist. Sly and cunning, he is a very hungry cat who preys on his next meal. A strong, physical, comedic character. Male, 20-35 yrs old. Range: C3 - Bb4

QUEENIE - Very domesticated, humorous, snobby cat who lives the "high life." A melodramatic, physically comedic character. Female, 20-40 yrs old. Range: G#3 - F5

LOWBUTT - Pampered, judgmental house-chicken and Queenie's best friend. Female, 20-40 yrs old. Range: G#3 - F5

GRAYLAG - A goose and the Admiral of the squadron charged with Ugly's safe return. He is Dot's husband. A British accent is preferred. Male, 40-65 yrs old. Range: A2 - G4

DOT - Greylag's composed, respectful wife; the one who actually keeps the squadron flying. A British accent is preferred. Female, 30-50 yrs old. Range: A3 - Gb5

BULLFROG - A laidback, self-confident frog who is encouraging, light-hearted, and optimistic. Strong southern drawl is preferred. Male, 30-70 yrs old. Range: A2 - F#4

PENNY - A beautiful Swan that is kind, compassionate, and caring. Ugly's unlikely love interest and friend. Female, 16-25 yrs old. Range: C4 - F5

FATHER SWAN - Penny's loving, protective, and caring father. Male, 35-55 yrs old. Range: A2 - F#4

MOTHER SWAN - Tender, compassionate, loving, and caring. Mother to Penny. Female, 35-45 yrs old. Range: G#3 - F5

MAUREEN - Ida's best friend, a somewhat conceited moorhen. Female, 30-50 yrs

old. Range: F3 - F5

HENRIETTA - A friend of Maureen and Ida's, she is somewhat of a busybody. Female, 30-50 yrs old. Range: C4 - F5

DUCKLINGS (FROGLETS, FISH, etc.) - Ugly's spiteful little siblings and the other little critters on the farm. Male and Female, 8-12 yrs old.

TURKEY - The School Headmaster who is self-basting, self-boasted prime specimen. Deathly afraid of Thanksgiving. Male, 40-60 yrs old. Range: A2 - F#4

GRACE - Most distinguished duck on the lake and the school governor. Proud, honest, and genuine. Female, 35-65 yrs old. Range: A3 - Gb5

ENSEMBLE - Graylag's Goose Squadron, Dancing Fish & Frogs, Jaybird the Reporter, various off-stage voices, etc.


"Twelfth Night" Auditions

Audition Dates
Monday, Feb. 2 from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Thursday, Feb. 5th from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Callbacks Sunday, Feb. 8th at 4:00 pm

Audition Location
Allegro School of Music, 20 Main Street, Warrenton

Performance Dates
June 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21

Be Prepared:
For information for auditions and to schedule an appointment please email a head shot and resume to the director, No Audition Materials are required however please be familiar with the play. The production will be using the No Fear Shakespeare edition of Twelfth Night.

***Seeking musicians (particularly Jazz) who have an interest in theatre***

Viola (F 18 - 30) - A young woman of aristocratic birth, and the play's protagonist. Washed up on the shore of Illyria when her ship is wrecked in a storm, Viola decides to make her own way in the world. She disguises herself as a young man, calling herself "Cesario," and becomes a page to Duke Orsino. She ends up falling in love with Orsino-even as Olivia, the woman Orsino is courting, falls in love with Cesario. Thus, Viola finds that her clever disguise has entrapped her: she cannot tell Orsino that she loves him, and she cannot tell Olivia why she, as Cesario, cannot love her.Her poignant plight is the central conflict in the play.

Orsino (M 20's-30's) - A powerful nobleman in the country of Illyria. Orsino is lovesick for the beautiful Lady Olivia, but becomes more and more fond of his handsome new page boy, Cesario, who is actually a woman-Viola. Orsino is a vehicle through which the play explores the absurdity of love: a supreme egotist, Orsino mopes around complaining how heartsick he is over Olivia, when it is clear that he is chiefly in love with the idea of being in love and enjoys making a spectacle of himself. His attraction to the ostensibly male Cesario injects sexual ambiguity into his character.

Olivia (F20's - 30's) - A wealthy, beautiful, and noble Illyrian lady, Olivia is courted by Orsino and Sir Andrew Aguecheek, but to each of them she insists that she is in mourning for her brother, who has recently died, and will not marry for seven years. She and Orsino are similar characters in that each seems to enjoy wallowing in his or her own misery. Viola's arrival in the masculine guise of Cesario enables Olivia to break free of her self-indulgent melancholy. Olivia seems to have no difficulty transferring her affections from one love interest to the next, however, suggesting that her romantic feelings-like most emotions in the play-do not run deep.

Sebastian (M18 - 30) - Viola's lost twin brother. When he arrives in Illyria, traveling with Antonio, his close friend and protector, Sebastian discovers that many people think that they know him. Furthermore, the beautiful Lady Olivia, whom he has never met, wants to marry him. Sebastian is not as well rounded a character as his sister. He seems to exist to take on the role that Viola fills while disguised as Cesario-namely, the mate for Olivia.

Malvolio (M20's - 50's) - The straitlaced steward-or head servant-in the household of Lady Olivia. Malvolio is very efficient but also very self-righteous, and he has a poor opinion of drinking, singing, and fun. His priggishness and haughty attitude earn him the enmity of Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Maria, who play a cruel trick on him, making him believe that Olivia is in love with him. In his fantasies about marrying his mistress, he reveals a powerful ambition to rise above his social class.

Feste (M20's - 50's) - The clown, or fool, of Olivia's household, Feste moves between Olivia's and Orsino's homes. He earns his living by making pointed jokes, singing old songs, being generally witty, and offering good advice cloaked under a layer of foolishness. In spite of being a professional fool, Feste often seems the wisest character in the play.

Sir Toby (M30's - 60's) - Olivia's uncle. Olivia lets Sir Toby Belch live with her, but she does not approve of his rowdy behavior, practical jokes, heavy drinking, late-night carousing, or friends (specifically the idiotic Sir Andrew). Sir Toby also earns the ire of Malvolio. But Sir Toby has an ally, and eventually a mate, in Olivia's sharp-witted waiting-gentlewoman, Maria. Together they bring about the triumph of chaotic spirit, which Sir Toby embodies, and the ruin of the controlling, self-righteous Malvolio.

Maria (F20's - 40's) - Olivia's clever, daring young waiting-gentlewoman. Maria is remarkably similar to her antagonist, Malvolio, who harbors aspirations of rising in the world through marriage. But Maria succeeds where Malvolio fails-perhaps because she is a woman, but, more likely, because she is more in tune than Malvolio with the anarchic, topsy-turvy spirit that animates the play.

Sir Andrew Aguecheek (M20's - 30's) - A friend of Sir Toby's. Sir Andrew Aguecheek attempts to court Olivia, but he doesn't stand a chance. He thinks that he is witty, brave, young, and good at languages and dancing, but he is actually an idiot.

Antonio (M20's - 50's) - A man who rescues Sebastian after his shipwreck. Antonio has become very fond of Sebastian, caring for him, accompanying him to Illyria, and furnishing him with money-all because of a love so strong that it seems to be romantic in nature. Antonio's attraction to Sebastian, however, never bears fruit. Despite the ambiguous and shifting gender roles in the play, Twelfth Night remains a romantic comedy in which the characters are destined for marriage. In such a world, homoerotic attraction cannot be fulfilled.

Other roles:
Fabian, Captain, Officer 1, Officer 2, Bartender possible dancers and musicians