Saturday, March 22, 2014


As CLASSICAL 4 ALL this year we’re celebrating composer Franz Schubert’s life and work. Starting from March 2014 we’re organizing weekly SCHUBERTIADES at Caffe Vivaldi, one of oldest meeting points for music-lovers in Greenwich Village, New York.

During Schubert’s lifetime, the beginning of the romantic era, Vienna was the center of music with its entertaining musical evenings. Music lovers used to meet in salons to enjoy a musical program which included pieces from Beethoven (The musical “master” of the time, to whom every composer looked up to), Schubert, Haydn and Mozart, as well as arias from Italian composers. Almost everyone in the city played an instrument, regardless of their social class. Artists were being supported to create work, and the society was encouraged to appreciate art through these entertaining events. Classical music was “hip”. SCHUBERTIADES were informal gatherings of Franz Schubert and his friends enjoying the composer’s music, poetry and dance.

Our SCHUBERTIADES in Caffe Vivaldi will present Schubert’s songs, known with their German name, “Lieder” and chamber music. Each week we will present a different opera singer singing lieder, or chamber musician playing Schubert with pianist Emir Gamsizoglu at the piano.

If you are an opera singer/chamber musician who’d like to be presented in one of our SCHUBERTIADES, please contact to submit your work, or schedule an audition.
