Saturday, March 15, 2014

CBC Spouses Heineken USA Performing Arts Scholarship

CBC Spouses Heineken USA Performing Arts Scholarship

This award is for full-time students with majors in the performing arts including, but not limited to, drama, music, dance, opera, marching bands, and other musical ensembles. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, be a U.S. citizen or legal/permanent U.S. resident, intend to pursue this field as a career, and exhibit leadership and participate in community service. This award is supported through our partnership with Heineken.

You must use your full first and last name as your display name when creating your application account. This will allow us to locate your application when uploading your transcripts.

Our two-part online application will require you to submit the following:
(1) A personal statement essay (500-1,000 words) that addresses all four of the topics listed in the application in one cohesive essay. (Students should use the same personal statement when applying for multiple scholarships).

Future goals: What field of study (major) do you plan to pursue? Why have you chosen that field? How will this field of study help you to achieve your future career goals?
Involvement in school activities/community/public service/hobbies/sports: What are your special talents and other areas of interest?
Deserving of scholarship: How will receiving this award affect your current and future plans?
Other experiences/skills/qualifications: What else do you feel should be considered in reviewing your application?

(2) Two electronically submitted letters of recommendation. We suggest one come from a community or public service leader (i.e. church leader, community leader, volunteer organization).
(3) An electronic copy of detailed Federal Student Aid Report (SAR); this report comes from the US Department of Education, not your institution. It is typically between 5 or 6 pages long. This should be uploaded to the online application as a PDF document.
(4) A one-page resume listing extracurricular activities, honors, employment, community service, and special skills.
(5) A recent photograph suitable for publication (i.e., a cap and gown picture, or other professional quality and professionally dressed photograph).
(6) A 2 minute visual recording sample. The applicant must be easily identified and the file must be saved in a format playable on Windows Media Player. It is highly suggested you DO NOT create your video sample using a Mac and instead use a PC to ensure it is playable on Windows Media Player.
(7) In addition, official sealed transcripts from all institutions attended should be MAILED to CBCF to the scholarship program’s attention. Graduating high school seniors must provide proof of enrollment (e.g. college acceptance letter) into an institution of study for the upcoming year.

PLEASE NOTE: Our online application has “two” segments. The first is the general application which collects materials relevant for all of our programs. Once you have completed this portion and select “Finish and Continue”, you will be brought to a section showing all opportunities for which you may be eligible. Here is where you can answer opportunity-specific questions for each scholarship/internship/etc., such as personal statements, additional references, art samples, etc.

You can find more information on the following pages:

Award: $3000
Deadline: 05/01/2014

Upload a PDF copy of your electronic Student Aid Report (SAR) from your 2014-2015 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Please provide a personal statement that responds to all of the following four (4) topics in one cohesive essay. The personal statement should be between 500 – 1,000 words. NOTE: If you are applying to multiple scholarships, please use the same personal statement for each.

Future goals: What field of study (major) do you plan to pursue? Why have you chosen that field? How will this field of study help you to achieve your future career goals?

Involvement in school activities/community and public service/hobbies/sports: What are your special talents and other areas of interest?

Deserving of scholarship: How will receiving this award affect your current and future plans?

Other experiences, skills or qualifications: What else do you feel should be considered in reviewing your application?

This scholarship requires that you provide a sample of your creative work. Please upload a 2 minute visual recording sample. The applicant must be easily identified and the file must be saved in a format playable on Windows Media Player. It is highly suggested you DO NOT create your video sample using a Mac and instead use a PC to ensure it is playable on Windows Media Player. Please keep files under 10 MB.

To ign in and complete an application, visit