Saturday, January 18, 2014

Walnut Street Theatre Auditions

The Walnut Street Theatre is excited to host the continuation of the TAGP audition program. Each year, participating theatres across the Delaware Valley join together at an audition day for local actors. This program gives actors the opportunity to be seen by multiple theatre professionals at once. These auditions are instrumental in helping the region's theatres both to discover local actors and to cast their shows for the upcoming season.
The Dates

The Greater Philadelphia Annual Auditions are split into three dates. All auditions dates are Mondays, which will optimize industry turnout and will be held on the Walnut Street Theatre's historic Mainstage.

MONDAY, MARCH 31st, 2014
Actors' Equity Association Talent — Open Auditions / Unscreened
10AM - 6PM

MONDAY, APRIL 7th, 2014
Non Union Talent — Appointment Auditions / Prescreened
10AM - 6PM

MONDAY, APRIL 14th, 2014
College Senior Showcase — For seniors at tri-state area academic institutions only
10AM - 5:00PM
*Run time will be determined by number of universities present

The Audition

All actors will be given 3 MINUTES to perform:

2 contrasting monologues
2 song selections with an accompanist we provide
or 1 of each.

There is NO accompanist fee.
There is NO application fee.

Headshots will not be copied for applicants. All actors with appointments will be required to submit their own set of forty-five (45) photocopied headshots/resumes before the audition date.

How to apply for all three of the audition dates

Monday, March 31st, 2014 has been reserved as an Equity only day. Learn how to reserve an audition time slot. Please be prepared to give your AEA member number. Appointments will be accepted until all time slots are reserved. After all time slots are reserved, Equity members are welcome to come to the audition day to stand-by for an open appointment. There is no guarantee, however, that any stand-bys will get the chance to audition.

All actors (Equity and Non Union) are eligible to apply for an audition slot for Monday, April 7th, 2014. This day will be auditions by approved appointment only — union rules are not in effect. All applications will be screened by a panel of local casting and artistic representatives. All ages and types will be considered, but current students and graduating seniors will not be admitted. There is no residency requirement, but preference will be given to local performers on this day. Learn how to apply.

Students at local colleges should have their department administrator contact us to get time slots for their students to audition on the designated college showcase day — Monday April 14th, 2014. Students should NOT apply for time slots that are in place for current union and non-union actors.

The Greater Philadelphia Annual Auditions are general auditions and not necessarily meant to cast specific productions. Each theatre represented at the auditions is responsible for scheduling its own callback sessions. DO NOT CALL the Walnut Street Theatre about callbacks.