Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Joseph .... Dreamcoat - Open Auditions / Media Theatre - Media, PA


Contract: LOA. $542/week AEA minimum.

Jesse Cline, Director
Dann Dunn, Choreographer
Tom Fosnocht, Music Director

• A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.

Rehearsals begin early November the show opens November 20 and closes Jan 5, 2014.

Please note: This production rehearses on and around Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwaanza and New Years Day.

Seeking: Equity and non-Equity performers, men and women, for principal roles and the ensemble.

Seeking the following roles:

20’s-30s, bari-tenor, sensitive, soulful singer, excellent physique and good stage presence

20’s to 40’s, May be played by a man or woman, strong belt and good story teller

Joseph’s brothers
20s-30s all types and musical styles

30s-60s,baritone,powerful and rich, good character actor

Mrs. Potiphar
20’s-40s, 2nd soprano, beautiful and scheming seductress, good dancer

40s-60s, baritone, father of Joseph his brothers, solid actor and larger than life presence

30’s, Bari-tenor,dashing, Elvis Presley like figure who rules Egypt

men/women to play various character roles, wives, Ishmaelites, back-up singers, etc. All types, ages ethnicities are encouraged to attend.

Audition Information:


OPEN Auditions (Equity and non-Equity performers)
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
6 PM to 10 PM


Media Theatre
104 East State Street
Media, PA 19063

Notes/What to bring:

Please prepare music in the style of the show that shows vocal range. Music from the show is acceptable. Be prepared to dance if asked.

Bring picture and resume stapled together