Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Auditions (High School Aged Boys Only) for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, at Bryn Mawr School

Auditions are Wednesday, September 4 from 4-6pm and Friday, September 6 from 5-7pm. Callbacks will be Saturday, September 7 from 1:00-3:00pm in Centennial Hall at Bryn Mawr School.

Performances are October 25, 26 at 7:00pm and October 27 at 3:00pm.

Audition Location: The auditions will take place in Centennial Hall at the Bryn Mawr School, 109 W. Melrose Ave, 21210. If you enter from the Northern Parkway entrance, you will reach the parking area directly behind the theater. Doors will be marked “Auditions.”

Secure your audition time by emailing director, Michael Robinson, at robinsonm@brynmawrschool.org

Audition ages: Bryn Mawr Upper School students and high school aged boys from area schools in grades 9-12

What to prepare: Please prepare 16-32 bars of a song in style of the show. You may use a song from the show to audition if you wish. Please bring a legible copy of the music for the accompanist. A cappella auditions are discouraged. Those auditioning will read sides. There will be no dance audition.

Schedule: Rehearsal will begin evenings and weekends starting, Thursday, September 12. Performances are October 25, 26 at 7:00pm and October 27 at 3:00pm

Character Breakdown: (We are looking for a diverse cast)
Chip Tolentino: Reigning spelling champion of Putman County. Athletic and social. Expects things to come easily to him.

Leaf Coneybear: A second alternate. Home-schooled with his many siblings. everything about this public bee is an adventure for him.

William Barfee: Has a host of health problems and a lot of prove. Noticed on the spelling circuit for his remarkable techniques- spelling words out on the floor with his foot.

Douglas Panch (Vice Principal): Frustrated with his life. The drive of the young spellers is alien to him. He never found anything in his life that important. He was not happy to get the call that he was needed to substitute at the bee, but is eager to do well and impress Rona Lisa.

Mitch Mahoney: Bouncer’s physique and demeanor. Appears an odd choice to be the bee’s “comfort counselor,” but it’s part of his community service assignment. Has no idea how to offer comfort, but does increasingly find himself wishing he could find a way to make the kids feel better about losing.

Carl Grubenierre: Schwarzy’s main trainer, the more intense and competitive of Schwarzy’s fathers.

Dan Schwarz: Logainne’s father. The more laid back and ineffectual of the Schwarzy fathers.

Leaf’s Dad, Mom and Siblings: All more academically gifted than Leaf, they are even more surprised than he is by his success.

Olive’s Mom: A fantasy version of Olive’s mom at her Ashram in India

Olive’s Dad: A fantasy version of Olive’s dad coming to the bee from work