Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Washington Bach Consort - Washington, DC

Audition Type: Concert
Role Type: Chorus
Artist Level: Professional
Compensation: Paid

Audition Details: The Washington Bach Consort sets the highest artistic standards for members of its professional chorus and period-instrument orchestra. Auditions for professional chorus members are typically held during the summer months.

Candidates are asked to prepare an aria by J.S. Bach and must submit their resumes in advance. For information on upcoming audition dates, please send a resume to:

Katie Gill

The Washington Bach Consort also accepts audition materials from vocalists (soloists and chorus members) and period instrumentalists on a continual basis. Please send a CD containing two contrasting Baroque works (one must be a work of J.S. Bach) and resume to:

Washington Bach Consort
[specify instrument or voice type] Auditions
1010 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 202
Washington, DC 20005
