Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Audition: Cincinnati Opera Young Artist Program

Audition Type: Opera, Young Artist Program
Company: Cincinnati Opera
Season: 2009-2010
Program Dates: Rehearsals for the 2010 Summer Festival Season will begin mid-May (exact start dates TBD) and run through late July.
Location: Cincinnati, OH

Rec. By Sun 18th Oct 2009

Materials Required:
1. Complete the company's online application process
2. Submit your $20 Application Fee using the online form
3. Complete your application by sending your resume and headshot with the instructions included on your Application Fee confirmation email

Application Form Location:https://cincinnatiopera.ejoinm

Contact Information:Cincinnati Opera
Attn: J. Doren
Music Hall
1243 Elm Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
(513) 768-5568

Audition Location/Dates:
Cincinnati - Sat 14th Nov 2009 - Wed 18th Nov 2009

Audition Requirements:
Positions in the Cincinnati Opera Education Touring Programs, Summer Festival Chorus, and principal cover roles in season productions are under the jurisdiction of AGMA, the Ame­rican Guild of Musical Artists.

Pianist Provided: Yes. May bring own.

Pay?: Pay

More Information:
Young Artist positions are specifically for young, up-and-coming singers who wish to gain professional experience and exposure in the opera industry. Young artists will be engaged as Choristers in Cincinnati Opera’s 2010 Summer Festival productions. In addition to their chorus duties, Young Artists will perform at various donor / patron events and programs during the season, and may also be engaged t­o cover principal roles in rehearsals or perform comprimario roles in main stage performances. Young Artists have the opportunity to work with disting­uished professionals in the field as well experienced staff members to build and enhance repertoire through private coachings.