Vocal Arts DC holds an annual vocal competition open to all singers who are residents of the greater DC area, including Baltimore and Annapolis, as well as Pennsylvania and Delaware. Singers are asked to submit a audio recordings of five(5) art songs along with a sample recital program that the singer is prepared to perform in recital. Entrants' submissions will be reviewed in a blind audition. From there, finalists will be selected for a live audition. The first and second prize winner of the competition are presented in recitals in Washington, DC and its environs to broaden appreciation for this art form.
First Place Winner Receives $7,000 and Will Be Presented in Recital in a Prestigious Washington, D.C. venue; Second Place Winner Receives $3,000 and Will Also Receive Area Recital Opportunity
Singers must be residents of the greater Washington, D.C. metro area, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, or Pennsylvania.
Submit an mp3 audio file, containing a total of 4 songs in 4 different languages. One song must be in English, the others in three different languages of the singer's choice.
Submit sound files in mp3 form only: do not submit using other sound files or mail us a CD, and please test your file before emailing it to us to be certain it plays clearly.
Name the mp3 audio file with the auditioner's name and voice type (i.e., John Doe - tenor).
List the recorded musical selections, with the composers' names, in order of performance (see instructions below).
Submit a sample recital program 45 to 60 minutes in length, comprised of songs about half of which are in English. Do not include arias (see instructions below).
The program should allow the singer a wide range of creative expression, while maintaining artistic quality.
Our aim is to entertain, broaden and elevate the listener's experience.
Songs from the submitted mp3 audio file must be included in the sample program submitted.
The program must be composed of music the auditioning artist would be prepared to sing in the 2017-2018 season.
Please format the contents of both your mp3 audio file and your sample recital program in two columns in one Word document, using a 12 point font size. No other formatting is required.
The singer's contact information must be noted at the top of the document containing the mp3 audio file contents and sample program (name, address, phone numbers, and email).
Please do not send resumés, photos or materials other than those requested.
mp3 audio files and programs must be submitted before midnight on March 30, 2017. Please send them to: peterrussell@vocalartsdc.org.
Submissions will be acknowledged by email as received.
mp3 audio files will be heard in blind audition (singers unidentified).
Selection of artists for final live auditions will be based solely on the performance heard on the mp3 audio files.
Finalists will be notified mid-April, 2017.
Final live auditions will be held on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Music Department of George Washington University in Foggy Bottom between late morning and mid-afternoon.
Finalists will be asked to perform selections from their mp3 audio files, not from the sample program.
For more information, please visit the Vocal Arts DC website.