Friday, October 7, 2016

Auditions for Beauty and the Beast – Adults and Children

Auditions will be held for children on Saturday, October 15, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.. Auditions are by appointment only and will be held at Virginia Rep’s November Theatre, 114 W Broad St., Richmond, VA 23220.

Auditions will be held for adults on Tuesday, October 18, 6 – 10 p.m. Auditions are by appointment only and will be held at Virginia Rep’s November Theatre, 114 W Broad St., Richmond, VA 23220.

Please e-mail to request an appointment or ask a question.

Those auditioning are asked to prepare a short musical theatre song, not to exceed 90 seconds in length. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring sheet music in the appropriate key.

First Rehearsal: March 5, 2017
Run: April 21 – May 14, 2017 (must be available for weekday matinee performances)

Seeking Union and Non-Union performers. All performers will be paid.

Character Breakdown:

Belle: Female, 20-29: plays 18, classically beautiful face, her eyes shine with intelligence, seems entirely unaware of her looks, strong-willed, adventurous, and noble, a true heroine, sensitive and smart, should move very well, vocal range: lyrical pop theatre voice to an E with a very strong and clear belt.

Beast: Male, 25-39: this role requires an exceptional actor (classical training helpful), who is also a major singer, a tortured soul trapped in the body of the Beast, angry, volatile, and hopeless, when he meets Belle, she awakens his warm, loving human side and is able to overcome his bestial nature to break the spell, should be handsome and well-built, vocal range: baritone to an F.

Maurice: Male, 45-59: Belle’s father, eccentric inventor, comic, warm, sincere, and immensely loveable, devoted to his daughter, short and stout is good, not obese, vocal range: character voice to a D.

Gaston: Male, 20-39: very handsome muscular build, sexy with a larger-than-life chiseled face, actor must be a strong comedic farceur capable of playing a larger-than-life style, rude, self-centered bully, egomanical, narcissistic, should move very well, vocal range: big Broadway baritone with a solid F.

Le Fou: Male, 20-39: Gaston’s adoring hanger-on buddy, a true fall guy, buffoon, must be able to handle physical comedy and move well, seeking an accomplished stage comedian/stage clown, must be able to sing and be able to do a character voice, vocal range: to a G.

Mrs. Potts: Female, 40-59: plump sweet-faced English teapot, kind-hearted maternal cook, sings the title song, vocal range: lyrical alto down to a low F sharp with a convincing English accent.

Lumiere: Male, 30-45: a candelabra, very charming, very suave, very French, maitre D’ who fancies himself as a ladies’ man, passionate, prone to dramatic displays of emotion, the Beast’s coach in the love department, must have a credible French accent, must move well, vocal range: baritone to a G.

Cogsworth: Male, 30-49: manic, officious English major domo, someone wound him up way too tight and he has never wound down, slightly snooty Brit, with a heart of gold, English accent required, vocal range: character voice–baritone, not much singing.

Babette: Female, 20-35: beautiful feather duster, continually teases Lumiere, must dance, not too bright, voluptuous, tall with a show-girl body, French accent required, vocal range: Broadway belt with a legit soprano.

Wardrobe: Female, 40-55: warm, friendly, comedic, vain old girl, very theatrical, had pretensions to an operatic career, should have an ample build, but not obese, loud laugh, the life of the party, vocal range: legit operatic mezzo to G or B flat.

Chip: Male, 8-10: pre-adolescent boy, to play an adorable, inquisitive, eight-year-old teacup, must sing.

Adult Ensemble: Males & Females, 18+: strong dancer/singers or singer/dancers with strong ballet and jazz technique. Most need to be able to understudy principle roles. Tumblers always needed.

Children’s Ensemble: Males & Females 8-10: strong singer/ dancers with great personality.

More about the show
Please direct questions to