Monday, April 25, 2016

Little Theatre of Alexandria - "West Side Story" Auditions

Audition notice for
West Side Story
Book by Arthur Laurents
Music by Leonard Bernstein
Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Directed by Susan Devine
Music Directed: Francine Krasowska
Choreographed by: Stefan Sittig
Produced by Lynn O’Connell, Kevin O’Dowd, and Eddie Page

Audition Dates:

Saturday, May 14, 2016, from 2pm-5pm
(Please arrive no later than 4pm)
Sunday, May 15, 2016, From 7pm-10pm
(Please arrive no later than 9pm)


Tuesday, May 17, starting at 7pm

Performance Dates:

July 23 – August 13, 2016

Show Summary:

LTA starts the season with Broadway’s greatest musical of all time, West Side Story! This timeless piece features a Romeo and Juliet story on the gang-ridden streets of 1950’s New York, dominated by the Sharks and the Jets. Two teens from the warring gangs meet and fall in love, causing tension between their respective friends. Can the two lovers survive when hate and ignorance are unwilling to yield? Join LTA for a tribute to Leonard Bernstein’s magical score and the no-holds-barred reflection of social problems marking a turning point in American theatre..

For the Audition:

-Bring your conflicts.
-Resumes appreciated, but not required.
-Headshots welcomed, but not required. Photo will be taken at audition.
-All ethnicities highly encouraged to audition.

Vocal Auditions:
-For All Roles Except Non-Singing/Dancing Roles.
-Prepare 32 bars of one piece or 16 bars of two pieces that showcase both sustained and upbeat singing, preferably from musicals, operetta, or cabaret/jazz.
-An accompanist will be provided. Please bring sheet music.

Dance Auditions:
-For All Roles Except Non-Singing/Dancing Roles.
-Extensive ensemble dance in Broadway/jazz style with strong athletic components.
-Dress for movement, including appropriate shoes.

For Non-Singing/Dancing Roles (Doc, Krupke, Shrank, Glad Hand):
-We request that you arrive at top of each hour (7pm, 8pm, etc.)
-Audition consists of cold readings.
-Sides available at audition.

For Tony and Maria:
-We request that you arrive at the top of each hour (7pm, 8pm, etc.).
-Audition consists of vocal audition (see above for requirements), cold readings and, at your option, dance.
-Sides available at audition.

For Actors Who Want to Be Considered for All Roles:
-Actors who want to be considered for Tony/Maria AND Ensemble will have vocal and dance auditions as well as cold readings. See above for vocal and dance audition requirements.

Video auditions accepted. Contact director Susan Devine at

Role Summaries

Tony – (age 17-25, Tenor with good falsetto to C5) - Former leader of the Jets who works for Doc in the drugstore. Loyal to his friends, but does not feel the scorn they have for the Sharks. Sincere and earnest, a bit of a dreamer who falls in love with Maria and plans for them to run away together. During attempt to prevent violence, kills Bernardo and is eventually killed by Chino. (Dance: None, some athletic movement.)

Maria – (age 16-25, Soprano w sweet high C (C6)) - Naïve and romantic. Bernardo's sister. Eager to grow up and experience life in America. Though intended for Chino, falls in love with Tony, which heightens the violence between Jets and Sharks. Refuses to believe the hatred that exists. Pushes back at authority at times. Light Puerto Rican accent. (Dance: None)

Bernardo – (age 18-30, Baritone) - Maria’s older, protective brother. Experienced and strong. Anita’s boyfriend. Leader of the Sharks and ambitious to stake out territory for them. Strong, forceful, angry at treatment by the Jets. Killed by Tony. Light Puerto Rican accent. (Dance: Extensive ensemble dance in Broadway/jazz style with strong athletic components.)

Anita – (age 18-30, Mezzo/contralto) - Bernardo's girlfriend and protective of Maria. Feisty, and assertive; understanding and supportive of Maria’s love for Tony. Assaulted by Jets when attempting to contact Tony for Maria. Light Puerto Rican accent. (Dance: Extensive ensemble dance in Broadway/jazz style with strong athletic components.)

Doc – (age 60-70, Non-Singing, Non-Dancing) - Elderly, fatherly figure to both the Jets and Sharks, owns the drug store where they all hang out. Close to Tony and employs him. Protective of Tony and Maria. Shows frustration and anger at violence.

Lt. Schrank - (age 40-55, Non-Singing, Non-Dancing) - Frustrated with problems caused by Jets and Sharks. Impatient and stern. Unable to control the kids.

Officer Krupke - (age 40-55, Non-Singing, Non-Dancing) - Local beat policeman who torments and is tormented by the Jets and Sharks. Disliked and disrespected. Goon-like and stupid.

Glad Hand – (age 40-55, Non-Singing, Non-Dancing) - Smiling, nerdy, gentle man who attempts to get the Sharks and Jets to get along at the dance. Lacks understanding of the depth of hatred between the groups. Comedic role.

The Jets - (able to portray age 18-25) - Ability to dance, sing, and portray a character.

Riff – (Bari-tenor) – Tony’s best friend and the Jets’ leader.
Action – Quick to anger and just as quick to fight.
Anybodys – Younger girl who considers herself a Jet. A true tomboy. Often teased but doesn’t care as long as she is part of the group.
Diesel – Tough, disrespectful guy who takes over the Jets when Riff is killed.
Baby John – Younger Jet who the Sharks beat.
A-Rab – Slightly less quick tempered than Action and Baby John’s best friend.
Snowboy – Wears glasses and is smart and knows it.
Big Deal, Gee Tar, Mouthpiece, and Tiger – Other Jets.
Velma – Riff’s sexy girlfriend.
Graziella – Diesel’s conceited girlfriend.
Minnie, Clarice, and Pauline – Jet girls. Fast, sexy, mature for their age, and very interested in boys!

The Sharks - (able to portray age 18-25) - Ability to dance, sing, and portray a character.

Chino - Bernardo's friend and intended suitor for Maria. Initially subdued as he pursues relationship with Maria. Her disinterest builds to anger and hatred to point of shooting Tony.
Pepe – Bernardo’s lieutenant, proud.
Indio, Luis, Juano, Anxious, Nibbles, Toro, and Moose – Other Sharks.
Consuelo - Pepe’s girlfriend who works with Maria in the bridal shop. Dyes her hair blonde and likes to dress up.
Rosalia – Indio’s girlfriend. Quiet and well meaning.
Shark Girls – Additional Shark girls may be cast.

If you have any questions about auditions, contact Susan Devine, director, at

If you would like to help with this production or you have questions, contact Lynn O'Connell, co-producer, at


If you have a black and white headshot and acting résumé, you may bring them with you; auditionees, however, may be asked to have their picture taken by the LTA photographer.
Please bring an accurate list of rehearsal conflicts with you to the audition.

All actors cast are required to become acting or regular members of LTA within two weeks of being cast.

To download an audition form, click HERE.