Monday, December 14, 2015

Aldersgate Church Community Theater -- Audition Notice

Play: Little Women, adapted by Roger Wheeler from the book by Louisa May Alcott

Auditions: Saturday, January 2nd, 2015, 2: 00 – 5:00 PM
Sunday, January 3rd, 2016, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Callbacks: BY INVITATION ONLY, January 5th.

Location: Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 1301 Collingwood Road, Alexandria, VA 22301

Tech Week: February 28 – March 3

Performance Dates: March 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18,19, and 20.

Audition Information: Please do not prepare a monologue; we will be auditioning from sides ONLY. Sides are now available here:

Ages for all characters are suggestions. If you feel you are perfect for a role and are not in the age range, please audition anyway! If you have any questions please contact the Director, Ashley Amidon at Please bring a list of all conflicts from January 5th through March 20th. If you have a headshot, bring it; however, photos will be taken at auditions.

Description of the Show: Set in the 1860s, this classic tale of Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March, joined by their beloved Marmee and next door neighbor Laurie, is a heartwarming story of family and friendship. The March women experience happiness and sorrow, but throughout it all, the love they have for one another pulls them through.

Meg (f, age 18-25) The oldest of the March girls, Meg is often the voice of motherly reason when Marmee is away. Kind, loving, and beautiful, Meg becomes engaged to John Brooke during the play.

Jo (f, age 18-25) Jo is headstrong, opinionated, and would do anything for her sisters. Sometimes her temper gets her into trouble, but she tries her best to be more like Marmee and Meg. Jo is in every scene so she must be able to memorize a great deal of lines. Actresses with short, dark hair preferred but not required. Actresses able to cry on stage strongly preferred.

Beth (f, age 14-19) The shyest of the March girls, Beth is musically gifted and very caring. While doing charity work for a sick family, she becomes ill herself. Though she initially recovers, her health begins to slowly decline. At the end of the play, she accepts that she is dying in a very moving scene with Jo. Actresses who can play piano are strongly preferred, but will consider those who cannot.

Amy (f, age 10-15) Amy is the youngest and most spoiled of the March girls. She can be selfish and throw a temper tantrum, but at the end of the day she loves her sisters and that shines through in her actions. Actress must be able to convincingly portray a young girl, and be prepared to throw a temper tantrum in an audition side. Actresses with blonde hair preferred; if not, actress will be asked to wear a wig or color their hair.

Hannah (f, any age) Hannah is the trusted maid for the March family. While she only has only a few lines, she will be on stage a great a deal, as Hannah will help set props in a natural way during scenes. Hannah may also be asked to help with costumes changes.

Aunt March (f, age 50+) Overbearing, wealthy and demanding, Aunt March is talked about during the play a great deal. She has one scene with Meg, where she tells Meg she should not marry John Brook because he is poor. When Meg refuses to listen, Aunt March storms off. This is an excellent (if small) role.

Laurie (m, age 18-25) Laurie lives next door to the March’s with his grandfather Mr. Lawrence. The same age as Jo, he develops a very close relationship with the March’s, and can be considered part of the family. He falls in love with Jo, but she rejects his advances.

John Brooke (m, age 18-30) John is Laurie’s tutor, and in love with Meg. During the course of the play he professes his love to her, and despite the objections of Aunt March, they are engaged. He is a good, kind man. This is a minor role.

Mr. Lawrence (m, age 50+) Mr. Lawrence is the March’s next door neighbor, and Laurie’s grandfather. A good deal more wealthy than the Marches, he is nevertheless very kind once they get to know him. He becomes especially close to Beth, and gives her a piano. This is a minor role.

Marmee (f, age 30-50) Marmee is the glue that holds her daughters together; her husband is away fighting and then sick, so they depend on her a great deal. She is kind and wise and tries to make all of her daughters the best women they can be.

Please visit the ACCT website for more information.