Thursday, April 9, 2015

Auditions by Appointment for Oink! A Pigsical

Oink! A Pigsical is a new musical work retelling of the classic "Three Little Pigs" story, but with a twist! After a first round of staged reading and a demo recording, we are ready to take our story from concept into first performance, with the goal of applying to Fringe Festivals both the DC local area and the New York Festival Circuit. The music and lyrics are fast-paced - both requiring range, musicianship, and agility. Looking for a cast that can take us through our next semi-staged reading, regional theater festival circuits, and beyond.

Book: Deb Hollander
Music and Additional Lyrics: Clif Hardin
Artistic Director: Jennifer Rodgers
Director: Michael Yeshion
Choreographer: Michael Baxter

Semi-Staged reading to be held TBD late August - September. Aprox 1 week rehearsal commitment. Future availability for Spring DC Fringe Festival a plus.


Paul [Tenor to A]: The youngest pig. Bookish, anxious and the real coming of age story in the plot. Extremely cautious and plan-full. He writes everything in his notebook, thinking through every step before taking action. He is a homebody and the most important thing to him in his house (which is of wood) is a room for mother.

Peter [High Baritone to E]: The middle pig. Artistic, impulsive, sensitive and quirky. He's a sensitive, artistic type - and straw is his "favorite fiber" so, naturally, he is building his house from it. Of course, he's doing more dancing and singing than building, but there's not a chance that the house will stay up anyway.

32 bars of contemporary or legit musical theater. An accompanist will be provided, please bring music in the appropriate key.

Additionally, please prepare the music side below for the character you feel best fit. Sides available at

Please bring a copy of your headshot & resume.

First round of auditions to be held Sunday, April 19th from 3-6pm and Monday, April 20th from 4-5:30pm.

Callbacks to be held Monday, April 20th from 6-8pm.

UU Congregation of Rockville, 100 Welsh Park Drive, Rockville, MD 20850

Please email with headshot & resume to schedule your audition appointment.