Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Peter and the Starcatcher - Non Equity Tour / Phoenix Entertainment

Phoenix Entertainment is accepting submissions for the 2015 non equity National Tour of the five time Tony Award winning play, PETER AND THE STARCATCHER. Rick Elice, Playwright Stephen B. Kane and Michael McFadden, Producers; Mark Minnick, Casting.

BILL SLANK: (late 20s-early 40s) A dark and frightening man who knows no loyalties to anyone but himself. The fact that he could never be a captain (ie, no skills as a sailor or as a leader) has not stopped him from seeking any way to command a ship. His moral compass points only to himself and would double-cross anyone to get what he wants. An orphan as well. This actor also doubles as HAWKING CLAM, the son of Fighting Prawn who shares his father’s disdain for England. VOCAL RANGE: bari-bass; British and Tropical dialects required

ALF: (late 20s-mid 40s) A rough-around-the-edges working-class sailor who imagines himself a hero in shining armor. Though his physical appearance is oaf-ish and unkempt, he has an inner charm and a kind, romantic heart which shine through his lumbering exterior. VOCAL RANGE: tenor to A, Blue-collar English accent.

MRS BUMBRAKE: (Late 20's - early 40's) Lovably brash and bold British nanny with a big heart. Molly’s nanny is a character with character! Hard-scrabble and charmingly no-nonsense, but still knows how to turn on the flirt when the time is right. This actor also doubles as TEACHER, a sage in mermaid form.
(played by a MALE, late 30s-early 40s) VOCAL RANGE: strong baritone soloist, a cappella; British & Scottish dialects

Audition packets are available online at www.phoenix-ent.com/employment/index.html by clicking the Employment link in the footer and following the submission instructions.