Sunday, September 28, 2014

"Masada the Musical" Chorus Auditions

"Masada," a new musical by Holocaust Survivor, Harry Bialor with Musical Arrangements by Michael Sirota.

Audition Information

Chorus members must attend a total of (4 out of 8) rehearsals and 3 performances, dates, times and locations TBA, weekday evenings and possible weekends between Nov. 18th and Dec. 4th.

Please send pic, resume' and a sample of singing from this past year. Music will be sent by email to chorus members who should learn their parts by the first rehearsal, use of scores during performance.

Total compensation for chorus members: $180.00

Also seeking tenor for soloist.

If interested in auditioning, please find audition information on yap tracker and classical singer, or email cantor presler at

Masada the Musical Website