Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ash Lawn Opera - Apprentice Singer Applications

Ash Lawn Apprentice Website

2015 Summer Season: Madama Butterfly and My Fair Lady

Tentative date for entire season: June 12 - August 8, 2015


Ash Lawn Opera provides Apprentice Singers with a rewarding way to begin their professional careers while still pursuing their undergraduate or graduate degrees. Apprentice Singers have performance opportunities not only in the ensembles of main stage productions at the historic Paramount Theater in downtown Charlottesville, but also in outreach performances and recitals throughout the Charlottesville area. Apprentice Singers are invited to audit all Young Artist master classes and certain singers may be selected to participate in master classes and auditions with agents, administrators, and conductors.

Recent Apprentice Singer outreach performances have taken place at: the Haven, Louisa Arts Center, Orange Music Society, RoseWood Village, the University of Virginia's College at Wise, Wintergreen Summer Music Festival.


Apprentice Singers have the opportunity to perform bit parts and in the ensembles of both main stage productions and, depending on availability, cover main stage roles and take part in outreach performances. Apprentice Singers also receive private coaching sessions and perform in donor and marketing events, in addition to auditing and, if selected, performing in master classes and auditions with visiting artists and administrators. See the Young Artist Audition Info for a list of recent master classes and auditions.


Ash Lawn Opera Apprentice Singers are typically pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree.


Apprentice singers are offered a total stipend of $750; host housing (private room/bath in a donor's home). Transportation to, from, and within Charlottesville is the responsibility of the artist.

No live auditions will be held; all decisions are based on the submitted materials.

To audition to be an Apprentice Singer, please send the following materials by Dec. 15, 2014:

To submit by mail:

Ash Lawn Opera - Young Artist
PO Box 2498
Charlottesville, VA 22902

To submit by email:
Subject: Apprentice

-CD, DVD, mp3, YouTube link, or link to an audio file of at least two arias (one aria from an opera and one from a stylistically appropriate musical). If you would like to audition for a specific bit or cover role, see the Young Artist Audition Info for available parts as well as dialogue and aria requirements.

-Resume (Please include experience in dance/movement)

-Head shot

-Check or money order for $25 to Ash Lawn Opera ...OR... Pay the $25 application fee via our Donate page. Click on the 'Make a Donation' button and enter 'AS fee' in the memo line.

Whether you submit your resume, head shot, and payment via mail or email, you may submit your recordings in either physical or digital form.

All applicants are welcome to audition as Young Artists and Apprentice Singers in the same application for no additional fee.