Thursday, June 26, 2014

Friday Morning Music Club Auditions

Orchestra: Auditions for Orchestra Performance are held upon request. Contact for audition excerpts and more information.

Solo or Chamber: Auditions for performance membership (including accompanists) are held twice a year, and all candidates must perform before an Auditions Committee. Audition dates are Wednesday, October 15, 2014, and Wednesday, March 11, 2015. They will be held from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (subject to change but usually vocalists first, then winds, strings, and finally pianists) at the Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001, phone (202) 347-8355.

Audition applications must be postmarked by Monday, September 15, 2014 and Wednesday, February 11, 2015, respectively. Auditions for orchestra or chorale performance membership can be arranged at any time during the concert season. Composers and conductors, and vocal coaches, upon presentation of credentials, are examined by a committee of their peers.

Downloadable performance audition application forms are available in two formats: MS Word (can be filled out electronically) and PDF (fill out by hand). To download a membership form and read more information, please visit the FMMC website.

In order to appear in the Club's public concerts, musicians must become FMMC Performance Members by successfully auditioning and then officially joining the Club, including paying Club dues. A deposit of $30 is charged for those wishing to audition for solo or chamber performance membership. The deposit is refunded at the audition. Please note that if more than one member of a chamber ensemble is auditioning, each auditioning member submits an individual audition application and pays the deposit, and each is judged individually according to standards applicable to his or her instrument and its role in the ensemble.

Performance Membership Categories

**Singer — solo, chorale, vocal coach
Instrumentalist (not keyboard) — solo instrumental, chamber instrumental, orchestra
Keyboardist — harpsichord, organ, piano (solo piano, chamber piano [piano with other instruments], duo-piano, and four-hand), vocal accompaniment

Annual Club membership dues are as follows:
Members ages 23–30 $50
Members ages 31–69 $85
Members age 70 or over
Student members ages 14–22

Audition Notes

All candidates, please note the following:

1. Candidates are required to provide judges with one copy of the score for each piece performed.

2. Candidates who have any questions about their choice of audition pieces should contact the Auditions Chair.

3. Performing musicians who have established professional careers or are winners of major competitions may be considered for waiver of the auditions requirement for membership. Please contact the Auditions Chair at

Solo Performance

**Solo Voice: Candidates shall perform one aria from an opera or oratorio in its original key and language plus four other pieces in English and two other languages, selected to demonstrate the variety of the candidate's abilities and interests. These four pieces must be from the song literature, not opera or oratorio arias. Memorization is required except for oratorio arias. Candidates must use an accompanist for compositions that require it. FMMC does not provide an accompanist for auditions. The Auditions Chair can provide a list of accompanists whom candidates may engage at their own expense.

Piano: Candidates for solo piano should perform, from memory, three compositions of contrasting periods and styles. A major sonata in its entirety plus another work of no less than 15 minutes' duration are required. Music may be used for compositions in a modern or unconventional idiom, with prior approval by the auditions chair. Concertos and accompanied pieces are not acceptable.

Solo Harpsichord or Organ: Candidates must prepare one major (multi-section) work from the recognized performance literature for a single, unaccompanied player, plus two additional movements or pieces from contrasting styles or periods. Music may be used. Organ candidates will be accepted either if they are Associate or Fellowship members of the American Guild of Organists, or by audition.

Other Solo Instrument (other than piano): Music of three contrasting styles and periods is required, one major (multi-section) composition to be prepared in full. Woodwind, brass and percussion players may substitute major solo passages from two contrasting orchestral works for one of the additional pieces. Candidates may play from memory but memorization is not required. Candidates must use an accompanist for compositions that require it. FMMC does not provide an accompanist for auditions. The Auditions Chair can provide a list of accompanists whom candidates may engage at their own expense.

Chamber Performance

Please note that if more than one member of a chamber ensemble is auditioning, each member applies as an individual and must pay the $30 deposit, and each is judged individually according to standards applicable to his or her instrument and its role in the ensemble.

Chamber Piano / Piano with Other Instrument(s): Candidates shall appear with one or more instruments in the performance of chamber works. Three contrasting periods must be represented. A major (multi-section) work from the recognized performance literature shall be performed in its entirety, plus two additional movements or pieces from contrasting styles or periods. Music may be used. The candidate must arrange for all additional performers needed.

Duo-Piano and Four-Hand Piano: Candidates shall perform three major compositions from contrasting periods and styles (chosen from original duo-piano and four-hand piano literature). One composition must be in long form, such as sonata or variation. Music may be used. Concertos and accompanied pieces are not acceptable. Individual candidates wishing to audition for this category must arrange for the second performer.

Vocal Accompanist (Piano): Candidates must prepare, with singer, one long-form and two shorter works from contrasting periods and styles. Candidates must demonstrate satisfactory sightreading ability. Candidate must arrange for participation of a singer in the audition.

Other Instruments (not keyboard): Candidates must perform one major (multi-section) work from the recognized performance literature for instrumental duo (not with piano) or larger chamber ensemble plus two additional movements or pieces from contrasting styles or periods. Trios and larger ensembles may include piano, and works for ensembles of more than one size may be presented as long as each candidate for membership is heard in all three selections. Each player's part must be of sufficient scope to provide a firm basis for assessing the player's capabilities.

Friday Morning Music Club, Incorporated | All contents copyright © 1998-2011
801 K Street NW, Washington DC 20001 | Tel: 202-333-2075
Send comments and questions to: