Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Philadelphia Singers - Philadelphia, PA

Website: www.philadelphiasingers.org/index.php/singer-resources/auditions

Registration for Spring 2014 Auditions is now open! To register for an audition as a new singer, please e-mail your name, voice part, 2 preferred dates for your audition, a resume/CV, and a completed application form to auditions@philadelphiasingers.org. The date and time of your audition will be confirmed by return e-mail.

2014 New Auditions Times and Dates: For Incoming Singers

Friday, April 11, 2014 5-9pm

Saturday, May 10, 2014 2-5pm

Friday, May 23, 2014 5-9pm

Saturday, May 24, 2014 12-5pm

Audition Requirements for New Singers:

*Each applicant is asked to prepare two contrasting selections (tempo, style, language, etc.) from the art song, oratorio or operatic repertory. One of the two selections must be art song or Lieder. The Music Director is interested in hearing the applicant's ability to control vibrato at all dynamic levels. It is strongly advised that the applicant sing their two selections from memory.


*The following excerpts, if you are auditioning to VOLUNTEER and would like to be considered for Messiah performances (if you do not want to be considered for Messiah, but considered for all other volunteer Chorale opportunities, these excerpts are not needed)

Handel's Messiah: For Unto Us a Child Is Born: Soprano: m.7-18, Alto: m.56-61, Tenor: m. 38-41, Bass: m.19-25

Are We Like Sheep: Soprano: m.66-76, Alto m.65-76, Tenor: m. 23-29, Bass m. 43-53

*The following excerpts, if you are auditioning for a PROFESSIONAL spot:

Bach, Mass in B Minor:Cum Sancto fugue: Soprano: m. 49-64, Alto: m. 42-64, Tenor: m. 37-64, Bass: m. 54-64

*A completed Application Form.