Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Young Artists Competition - Washington, DC

Vocal Arts DC presents classical voice recitals in various venues centered in Washington, DC and its environs to broaden appreciation for this art form and to provide professional opportunities for young singers in the region.

Each year, Vocal Arts DC has held a vocal competition open to all singers who are residents of the greater DC area, including Baltimore and Annapolis. This year, the competition will also open for the first time to residents of Pennsylvania and Delaware. Singers are asked to submit a CD for review along with a sample program that the singer is prepared to perform in recital. The CD's will be reviewed in a blind audition. From there, finalists will be selected for a live audition.

The first prize winner will receive $7,000, and will be presented in recital by Vocal Arts DC in a prestigious Washington, DC venue during the spring of 2015. The second prize winner will receive $3,000, and will also receive an opportunity to be presented as part of a Washington, DC recital.

The artists chosen in competition for performances in concert during the spring of 2014 are soprano Natalie Conte and baritone Matthew Morris. They will be accompanied by pianist R. Timothy McReynolds. See Art Song Discovery Series for more information.

Finalists will be notified in mid-April, and final auditions will be held on the Foggy Bottom campus of George Washington University in May between mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Singers interested in entering the competition should download this form.