Thursday, October 3, 2013

OperaLancaster - Lancaster, PA

Audition Type: Opera

Role Type: Lead

Artist Level: Emerging Professional

Compensation: Paid

Application Deadline: Postmarked 10/24/2013

Audition Dates: 10/26/2013

Audition Details: OperaLancaster announces upcoming auditions for Hansel and Gretel on October 26, 2013.

Times: 11:00AM-1:00PM, 2:00PM-5:00pm
Place: OperaLancaster Firehouse, 411 W. King St., Lancaster, PA 17601

Prepare: One aria in English from the 19th century rep. If you have a Hansel and Gretel excerpt prepared in the original German, also bring something in English.

Accompanist will be provided.

Note: The role of the Witch has been pre-cast.

Contact Name: Debra Lenssen, Office Manager
Phone: 717-871-7814