Monday, September 16, 2013

Second day of auditions for WNO’s The Lion, the Unicorn, and Me

We will be holding a SECOND day of auditions for WNO’s The Lion, the Unicorn, and Me on Thursday, September 26th from 5—7pm at the WNO Studio in Takoma.

Thursday, September 26, 2013 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm

Washington National Opera (“WNO”) announces Children’s Chorus auditions for The Lion, the Unicorn, and Me (sung in English). All those interested in auditioning, please call Washington National Opera’s Production Office at 202-416-8744 beginning Monday, September 16 to schedule an audition appointment. Calls will be taken weekdays between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. No auditions will be heard without an appointment.

Singers are asked to prepare “The Star Spangled Banner” in D major, and one selection of their own choice with accompaniment (please provide music for the accompanist). Selections should demonstrate classical vocal range as well as dramatic capabilities. An accompanist will be provided by the company. WNO reserves the right to hear only specific portions of the selection offered. Auditions may also include additional vocalization, tonal memory, and an impromptu acting exercise. Singers should bring a photograph of themselves (a professional headshot is not necessary - the photograph will only be used in order to quickly sort and recall audition files).

Singers should report to the Washington National Opera Studio at 6925 Willow Street, NW, Washington, DC 20012. Singers should arrive one-half (1/2) hour prior to their scheduled audition time in order to complete the application process.* Upon arrival, singers should go to the 3rd floor of the building and follow the posted directions.
*The taking of measurements and reference photographs for our files does not imply that the singer has been accepted for a position in a production.

Rehearsal/Performance Schedule:


1st Music Rehearsal: Approx. October 28, 2013
1st Staging Rehearsal: Approx. November 18, 2013
Tech Week Performances: December 11 – 13, 2013
December 14m, 14, 15m, 20, 21m, 21, 22m, 2013

Singers interested in auditioning should be between the ages of 7 and 15 with treble voices. A background in music is preferred.

Please note that all rehearsals will take place at the Washington National Opera Studio.
Tech Week rehearsals and all Performances will take place at the Kennedy Center Terrace Theatre.