Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CANDIDE at Ash Lawn Opera - Charlottesville, VA

Role Type: Secondary
Artist Level: Emerging Professional
Compensation: Unknown

Audition Details: Candide Audition: Wednesday, July 24, 2013. Performance dates: May, 2014.

We will be holding auditions for Pangloss and the Narrator on July 24th between 8 pm and 9:30 pm; an accompanist will be provided.

If you are not able to audition then, please suggest another day before the Ash Lawn Opera season closes on Aug. 11th, but you will need to provide your own pianist. You are welcome to audition for both roles.

The script and music for Candide are on the Ash Lawn Opera website: use the artist login/password: alo2013.

- please prepare dialogue of your choice from the Narrator

- please sing "Best of all possible worlds"
- prepare dialogue of your choice from Pangloss
- optional: sing an additional excerpt, either from Candide, or a similar piece

To schedule an audition, please email info@ashlawnopera.org. Directions to the audition site will be included in your audition confirmation.

Website: www.ashlawnopera.com/get-involved/performance-opportunities/amahl-and-candide-auditions/

(Last Update: 7/22/2013)