Friday, March 29, 2013

Elden Street Players Announces Auditions for CAROLINE, OR CHANGE

Auditions will be held in April for Elden Street Player's summer musical production of "Caroline, or Change". This will be the final production produced by the organization under the moniker of the Elden Street Players and an all-volunteer company. All roles are available and auditions are open and welcoming to all.

Please read the entire post before signing up or contacting us with any additional questions or concerns. If necessary, please direct questions to

April 15, 7:00-9:30
April 25, 7:00-9:30
April 27, 10:00-2:00

April 28 (TBD)

Rehearsals will begin on or sometime after May 1st. The rehearsal process for this production has been intentionally elongated to allow for a slightly less "strenuous" production schedule. Actors should anticipate one (or two) weeknight rehearsals and afternoon rehearsals on most weekends. In mid-July rehearsals will begin occurring with more frequency leading up to Opening Night. (Please note that some music rehearsals may be held at the Music Directors’ homes in Falls Church or Arlington.)

Performances: August 2-24, 2013

Industrial Strength Theatre
Herndon, Virginia

Please bring 16-32 bars of music in the style of the show.
An accompanist will be provided. No CD or iPod accompaniment, please. Please also bring music in the appropriate key.

All walk-ins will be accepted and seen as time allows. However, the production team highly encourages all those interested in attending auditions to sign up in advance for a specific time slot, utilizing the following link:

Sign Up:

Additional Information:
At this time, the directors generally intend to cast this production according to the descriptions outlined in the original script. However, some roles (in particular the "objects") may be re-evaluated, based on the outcome of auditions. ALL are welcome and encouraged to audition!

Character Breakdown:

CAROLINE THIBODEAUX: Works as a maid to the Gellman family. She is a divorcee with four children and resistant to change in the world. Bitter, tired, devoted. Special Director’s Note: Caroline is very complicated and will be an extremely emotionally and psychologically difficult role to play. It requires a tremendously strong actor and singer.
African American, Female, 35-45 yrs old
Range: E3 - E5

NOAH GELLMAN: The son of Caroline’s employer, Stuart Gellman. Shy, forgetful, and looks to Caroline for comfort and distraction. Director’s Note: Noah is a very large role that requires a young actor and singer who can match the performance of Caroline.
Jewish, Male, 7-12 yrs old
Range: G3 - E5

ROSE STOPNICK GELLMAN: An old friend of the Gellman's and Stuart’s new wife. She has recently moved to the South.
Jewish, Female, 35-45 yrs old
Range: G3 - E5

EMMIE THIBODEAUX: Caroline’s only daughter and the second of four children. Observant, rebellious, outspoken.
African American, Female, 16-18 yrs old
Range: F3 - F5

DOTTY MOFFETT: Caroline’s high-spirited friend and fellow maid. A drinker and smoker, she is routinely admonished by Caroline for her behavior.
African American, Female, 25-35 yrs old
Range: F3 - D5

STUART GELLMAN: Noah’s father and Rose’s new husband. He is also Caroline’s employer. He has trouble connecting to his son and new wife. Director’s Note: Ideally, Stuart should be able to play the clarinet, but this will not be absolutely necessary.
Jewish, Male, 30-40 yrs old
Range: B3 - G5

THE MOON: Part narrator, part friend, and part subconscious to Caroline and her story. Director’s Note: The actress playing the Moon should be a classically trained soprano.
African American, Female, 20-50 yrs old
Range: B3 - A5

THE RADIO (Three woman): Part narrator, part friend, and part subconscious to Caroline and her story. Played by three women.
African American, Females, 20-50 yrs old
Range: G3-F5

WASHING MACHINE: Part narrator, part friend, and part subconscious to Caroline and her story.
African American, Female, 20-50 yrs old
Range: G3 - E5

THE BUS: Part narrator, part friend, and part subconscious to Caroline and her story. May or may not double as The Dryer.
African American, Male, 20-50 yrs old
Range: G3 - B5

THE DRYER: Part narrator, part friend, and part subconscious to Caroline and her story. May or may not double as The Bus.
African American, Male, 20-50 yrs old
Range: E3 - C6

JACKIE THIBODEAUX: Caroline’s son. Though he is older than Joe, he is more sweet and naïve.
African American, Male, 9-12 yrs old
Range: A3 - D5

JOE THIBODEAUX: Caroline’s son. Though he is the baby of the family, he is outspoken and skeptical.
African American, Male, 8-11 yrs old
Range: B3 - D5

GRANDMA GELLMAN: Stuart’s mother and Noah’s grandmother. She is concerned for her son’s melancholy and an admirer of his new wife.
Jewish, Female, 50-65 yrs old
Range: G3 - E5

GRANDPA GELLMAN: Stuart’s father and Noah’s grandfather. He is aloof to the changes occurring in the South.
Jewish, Male, 50-65 yrs old
Range: G3 - E5

GRANDPA STOPNICK: Rose’s father from New York City. A politically progressive man with dissenting opinions.
Jewish, Male, 50-65 yrs old