Saturday, May 8, 2010

Become a Member of the Actors' Center. Summer Lottery Audition Registration Is Now Open

The Actors' Center is an important resource for actors and singers who live in the Washington DC area. You'll find audition listings for DC film, musical theatre and straight theatre, many of which are not listed in Backstage.

Below is the info on this summer's lottery auditions, but you must become a member to register.

The Summer AC Lottery Audition returns on Monday, June 7th at the Round House Theater in Silver Spring, MD. Member registration through AC Online is open now and will close Friday, May 21st at 5pm. To register, log in at and click "Summer Lottery Audition" in your Members menu.

Key details and dates to keep in mind:
IMPORTANT CHANGE! #1! You must now BRING 40 to 50 headshots with you on the day of the audition. AC will not accept mailed headshots. A final headshot required number will be given to you a couple of days before the audition.

IMPORTANT CHANGE! #2! AC auditors have expressed a desire to see fresh faces at auditions and AC would like to try to give more members the opportunity to be seen at least once a year. For example, if you had an audition slot in November 2009 and were actually seen you will only be eligible to go on the wait list in this Summer Lottery Audition. For this and future lottery auditions, first priority will be given to actors who were not seen in the prior round. However, given that there are always cancellations and that even the wait list is randomly generated, someone who is seen in November may still end up at the top of the wait list for the Summer Lottery and they will still have a good chance at getting another slot.

This audition is a lottery - when you register, you are registering for a chance at a slot or wait list slot in the audition. AC will pick names at random electronically at the end of the registration period.

Audition slots will be two minutes, rather than the standard 90-second format members are used to at the League auditions. Actors who secure audition slots will have two minutes to present 1) a monologue and a song, 2) two monologues, or 3) one monologue. You are not required to use the full two minutes. As always, be very sure to time your material to ensure that you do not go over the two-minute limit. For those singing, an accompanist will be provided, but feel free to sing a cappella. (Singing is not an audition requirement!)

There are a total of 132 audition slots.
Random selection will take place on or about Saturday, May 22nd. AC will not know if you are going to get a slot, nor what your odds are, until registration is complete.
Read more specific requirements and details on the Summer Lottery Audition, the audition FAQ, plans for future auditions, and the online registration form at AC