Thursday, April 8, 2010

Babes In Arms Auditions

The American Century Theater announces AUDITIONS for the concert staged reading of BABES IN ARMS. Seeking talented teenagers ages 13-20, (or adults that can pass as a teen) who sight read well and are vocally trained.

Pay: NON-AEA, non-paid

Auditions will be held on Sunday, April 11th, 12PM-5PM at Theatre on the Run, 3700 S. Four Mile Run Dr., Arlington, Virginia. Audition by appointment only. Please contact Sherri Perper, Producing Director at for an appointment time. Please, no phone calls.

The Babes in Arms staged read will be directed by Rip Claassen with music direction by Tom Fuller. Adult roles have been cast.

For the audition:
16 bars of your best Broadway ballad or Broadway up tempo song plus a 3 minute monologue. There will also be readings from the script. Piano accompaniment will be provided. No tapes allowed. Please bring sheet music, headshot, resume and conflicts.

Performance dates are July 8, 9, 10 and 11. Rehearsals will run June 21st through July 7th, 2010. Performances held at Gunston Arts Center 2, 2700 S. Lang St., Arlington, VA. Rehearsals held at Theatre on the Run, 3700 S. Four Mile Run Drive, Arlington, VA.

Val LaMar (“Our Hero” - older teen): Tenor or high baritone.
Billie Smith (“Our Heroine” - older teen): Mezzo-soprano.
Marshall Blackstone (“Val’s Best Friend” - teen): Baritone.
Dolores Reynolds (“The Sheriff’s Daughter” - teen): Mezzo-soprano.
Gus Fielding (“A Forceful Friend of the Sheriff’s Daughter” –teen): High baritone.
Baby Rose (“A Former Hollywood Child Star” - teen): Mezzo-soprano/belter.
Irving de Quincy (“Half of an African-American Dance Team - African - American teen): High baritone or tenor.
Ivor de Quincy (“The Other Half of the Dance Team” - 11-13 African-American): High baritone or tenor.
Peter (“Who Believes In Communism” - teen): Tenor or high baritone.
Lee Calhoun (“The Son of a Rich Southern Colonel” - older teen: Chorus only
Beauregarde Calhoun (“Lee’s Little Brother” - 11 - 13): Chorus only
Rene Flambeau (“A French Aviator” - older teen): Chorus only
Phil McCabe (“A Radio Announcer” - older teen with announcer voice): Chorus only

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