Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Washington National Opera Institute for Young Singers

For singers and accompanists ages 15-18
June 21 – July 10, 2010

Auditions – February 20 and 27, 2010

Washington National Opera Institute at American University is a summer training program for highly motivated high school singers and accompanists. The Opera Institute curriculum focuses on Italian art songs and includes classes in drama, period movement, music theory, chorus, opera history, and Italian diction. Students participate in master classes, opera scenes, individual vocal coaching, and group and individual lessons. Opera professionals present workshops on relevant topics including audition preparation, college and résumé preparation, and vocal health. The students participate in several performances of opera scenes and Italian art songs.

For details on tuition, housing, class schedules, etc., visit: http://www.dc-opera.org/educationtraining/educationcommunity/performancetrainingyouth/operainstitute.asp

Audition Requirements
Singers - Please prepare two art songs; one must be in Italian. Arias are strongly discouraged. If attending a live audition, please bring two copies of your music along with a completed application and letter of recommendation. An accompanist will be provided.

Eligible participants must be between the ages of 15 and 18 and already engaged in in-depth vocal and/or piano study with an interest in pursuing a musical career in opera. Singers should currently be studying Italian Art Songs.

Please contact WNO to schedule an audition: 202.448.3465 or education@dc-opera.org. Auditions are held at our Studio location in Washington, DC. (6925 Willow St, NW, Washington, DC 20012)

Recorded Auditions: Postmarked by Saturday, February 20, 2010

Audition requirements for recorded auditions are the same as stated below. Please create a DVD and mail it to our Studio location along with your application and letter of recommendation:

Washington National Opera Studio
Attn: Opera Institute Audition
6925 Willow Street, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, D.C. 20012

Audition Requirements
Singers - Please prepare two art songs; one must be in Italian. Arias are strongly discouraged. If attending a live audition, please bring two copies of your music along with a completed application and letter of recommendation. An accompanist will be provided.

Accompanists - Please prepare one solo piece, Caro Mio Ben in E-flat, and be ready to sight read with a singer. Singers will be provided. If you are sending in a DVD audition, please record yourself playing one solo piece and Caro Mio Ben with a singer. Also, have your teacher describe your sight reading skills in his/her letter of recommendation.